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Assignment DA612 Digital Video

Link to OWinfo:dsc00079

DA612 Digital Video

Feedback form:

DA612 Digital Video

What I did:

One of my goals was to attend for the digital video assignment. Within this assignment I wanted to increase my multimedia-skills.

We started this assignment by making one simple movie. You can see mine over here. Afterwards we got some feedback on it. Subsequently we discussed several issues concerning digital video and we got some instructions concerning video-editing software. More detailed information about what we did can be read here. With all this information in mind, we had to make a new, improved movie. Our mission was to transfer the solidarity of a public space into a movie. You can see the final result down here.

The feedback told us that the background music was a little overwhelming. Unless the movie was a bit out of focus by the webcam-quality, the story was quite clear for the audience. According to the assessor, it was also nice that we focused on one thing. So next time I will keep this in mind.

What I learned:

During this assignment I got more awareness concerning digital video. To make a good movie, you should think about the right parameters in advance. You should also think about what you want to achieve with your movie exactly. Now I know what to reckon with. I will apply this knowledge, the next time I have to make film.