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Overview of B2.1


General info:

Theme: Medical Care

Competency coach: Wei Chen

Feedback scales workbook: Excel or PDF

Overall growth:

This semester I became more experienced in creating interactive prototypes using Flash/Phidgets and processing/Arduino. I performed my first professional user test in a hospital and became aware how to analyze the complex data of the user tests. Furthermore I increased my visual skills and opened my eyes for other ways of thinking. The assignment ‘Gooey: soft and sticky’ provided me the basic principles of designing a Graphical User Interface (GUI). I became aware that paper or Flash prototypes are two powerful tools to create an interactive prototype in a relative short time. The assignment ‘Human Processes 1′ expanded my design-relevant knowledge about human processes or understanding the user, in particular with respect to cognitive processes/human information processing. The assignment provided me the basics concerning human information processing, capabilities and limitations. The assignment ‘Aesthetic of a Design’ made me aware of the different aspects of a form vocabulary within our social context and developed my aesthetic vocabulary.It also changed my point of view concerning design a lot.

Relative competency growth B2.1

Task/Competency 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D
Rhythm of Life 2.0 Project x x x x x x x x
Assignment DG200 – Creative Programming for Designers x x x
Assignment DG217 – Gooey: soft and sticky x x x
Assignment DG303 – Human Processes 1 x
Assignment DG611 – Aesthetic of a Design x x
Extra curricular B2.1 / /


Rhythm of life 2.0


During this research project I applied the knowledge concerning interactive Flash/Phidgets  prototypes into practice. I performed my first professional user test in a hospital and became aware how to analyze the complex data of the user tests. Furthermore I increased my visual skills and opened my eyes for other ways of thinking.


Creative programming for designers


Within this assignment I refreshed and extended my knowledge concerning computer programming (formerly java/flash) with processing. This enables me to compute data (on the computer) as well creating visual representations and animation. In addition processing enables me to control arduino-boards. I had experience in creating interactive prototypes including flash and phidgets. But with arduino these prototypes are able to operate independent; without wiring to the laptop. This take my interactive prototype skills towards another level.

Gooey: soft and sticky


The assignment ‘Gooey: soft and sticky’ provided me the basic principles of designing a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Creating the perfect GUI is impossible, because every user has different preferences and experiences with GUI’s. Therefore for me as a designer it is better to focus on a specific target group to design a GUI for. It’s important to do professional focus group meetings and user tests regularly in order to improve the design. It is better to start check visions/ideas and gather feedback in the beginning of the design cycle, rather than testing an almost completed interface. I became aware that paper or Flash prototypes are two powerful tools to create an interactive prototype in a relative short time.

Human Processes 1

A model of human information processes

Within the competency User Focus, I should acquire knowledge about designing interactive systems, about methods for doing user research, and about users. The assignment Human Processes 1 deals with users. The assignment enabled me to tune my designs to the cognitive abilities and limitations of the user. I acquired insight into models of human information processing, findings from experiments, and can apply this knowledge to solve concrete problems. Furthermore I got awareness where to focus on while designing graphs or illustration for the user. I also got awareness on measuring the workload of the user. I can apply this knowledge in order to get a better understanding of the cognitive processes of the user while using a product.

Aesthetics of Design

Aluminum design

One of my goals was to attend for this assignment in order to revise my vision about design. The assignment ‘Aesthetic of a Design’ made me aware of the different aspects of a form vocabulary within our social context and developed my aesthetic vocabulary. For me as a designer this will help me to discuss about form and meaning of designs. The aesthetic of a design is very important to take in mind while designing. In the end this assignment pretty changed my vision as designer. The design should be functional, but also the aesthetically approach of a design is important to make a design a best-seller.