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Overview of B2.2

Feedback Scales B2.2

General info:

Theme: Yellow, Social Robots & Humanoids

Competency coach: Emilia Barakova

Competency coach feedback: CCFBB22R0-16-06-2009

Feedback scales workbook: Excel or PDF

Feedback scales, click on picture to zoom

Overall growth:

During the project I was engaged in creating prototypes, integrating technology, performing user testing, visualizing, research process and data analyzing. The assignment Ideas and Concepts provided me different research ideas, techniques and processes in order to come up with more successful concepts. I decreased my lag in competency area 4 and 5 by attending to the assignments Intercultural Design and Analysing and Modelling NPD. In the assignment Context & Video I learned how to observe activities manifested in contexts and how video can be used to capture and communicate my observations. During the extra curricular I gain experience in competency areas 5 and A. A visual representation is shown in the graphs and table below. For more detailed information about learning achievements this semester I invite you to view the summasies below or to take a look at the Reflection per competency area. More detailed information about the past can be viewed in the Overview of the past.

Relative competency growth-9Relative competency growth-10

Visual representation concerning my competency growth, click in to pictures to zoom in

Task/Competency 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D
Project Supporting Sportsmanschip / x x x x x x x
Assignment DG108 – Ideas and Concepts: Starting from Scratch x x x
Assignment DG406 – Intercultural Design x / x x
Assignment DG502 – Analysing and Modelling NPD: Medical Systems x / x
Assignment DG614 – Context and Video / x x
Extra curricular B2.2 x x

frontpage_06Project Supporting Sportsmanschip

During this research project I applied and extended the knowledge concerning interactive Flash/Phidgets  prototypes into practice. I was engaged in creating prototypes, integrating technology, performing user testing, visualizing, research process and data analyzing. Overall seen this project made me aware of the importance of academically reasoning behind concepts and what pitfalls can occur during user testing. To read more about this project, click here: Project Supporting Sportsmanschip.

Shirt+1 ConceptAssignment DG108 – Ideas and Concepts: Starting from Scratch

Overall seen this assignment increased my idea generation skills by showing different creative methods. The assignment provided me different research ideas, techniques and processes in order to come up with more successful concepts for newly found opportunities and also showed me ways of how to record and present the results. Furthermore it showed me how to approach different stages of the design process to bring abstract thinking into a physical context. More about this assignment, click here: Assignment DG108 – Ideas and Concepts: Starting from Scratch

Assignment DG406 – Intercultural DesignDesigned Chines Bottles

One of my goals was to attend for the assignment DG406 Intercultural Design cause of a lack of competency development in area 4. During this assignment we discussed topics like power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance and ‘virtue vs. truth’. These topics provided reasoning behind cultural differences. I’m now able to define and understand my own and other cultural backgrounds. Every nation or (sub-) culture is different based on their norms & values, determined by the levels of topics mentioned before. This assignment provided me tools how to analyze and communicate towards other cultural frameworks. I upgraded my 3D CAD skills, provided insight in intercultural dynamics and learned tools to bridge cultural differences. In the end this assignment opened up my eyes for other cultures. More detailed information about this assignment can be viewed here: Assignment DG406 – Intercultural Design

IDEF design-phaseAssignment DG502 – Analysing and Modelling NPD: Medical Systems

One of my goals for this semester was to attend for the assignment DG502 Analysing and Modelling NPD, because I had a lack of this competency area. This assignment gave me structure how determine the success or failure of a product by analyzing the different phases of a new product development processes. During this assignment I learned several new product development modelling and improvement tools. This assignment contributes to a better understanding of the role of different functional disciplines within the new product development process, the complex relations between them and the required information flows. To read more about this assignment, click here: Assignment DG502 – Analysing and Modelling NPD: Medical System

Assignment DG614 – Context and Videogymnastics

Within this assignment I became aware how powerful video could be as a research tool, for capturing the user in its context and to come up with objective observations. In this way I can check assumptions about the user and spot possible design opportunities. I learned that experiencing context is based on observation, participation and conversation. In addition I learned how to use video as a potent communication tool and I increased my video-capturing skills. Moreover I increased my video-editing skills using Adobe Premiere Pro. In the end I learned how to observe activities manifested in contexts and how video can be used to capture and communicate my observations. Video is a powerful research and communication media to spot and explain the design opportunity clearly and provides foundation for assumptions. For more information about this assignment, click here: Assignment DG614 – Context and Video

Rola_studie_dec_08 frontExtra curricular B2.2

I presented our concept during the ID colloquium which gave me more confidence to present and gave my professional conduct a big boost. I also increased by presentation skills.

I learned it is vital to make use of real users and knowledge-groups (klankbordgroep). Furthermore I became aware it is important to include common benefits (for the society for instance) when presenting a concept to business partners. Therefore I have to do extended research about what common costs this concept might save, based on reliable resources. More detailed information see here: Extra curricular B2.2

Home > Present > Assignments B2.2 > Assignment DG614 – Context and Video

Assignment DG614 – Context and Video

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Assignment DG614 Context and Video

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Youtube-link Final Video

Competencies developed:

3, 6, A, B


One of my goals was to apply for the assignment context & video in order to learn how to use video as a research tool.

The goal of the assignment was to spot and present possible design opportunities for gymnastics using video as media. We went to the gymnastics club for several times, in order to record and edit the movie. I became aware how powerful video could be as a research tool, for capturing the user in its context and to come up with objective observations. In this way I can check assumptions about the user and spot possible design opportunities.

I learned that experiencing context is based on observation, participation and conversation.