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Assignment DG614 – Context and Video

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Assignment DG614 Context and Video

Feedback form:



Youtube-link Final Video

Competencies developed:

1, 3, 6


One of my goals was to apply for the assignment context & video in order to learn how to use video as a research tool.

The goal of the assignment was to spot and present possible design opportunities for gymnastics using video as media. We went to the gymnastics club for several times, in order to record and edit the movie. I became aware how powerful video could be as a research tool, for capturing the user in its context and to come up with objective observations. In this way I can check assumptions about the user and spot possible design opportunities.

I learned that experiencing context is based on observation, participation and conversation. In order to experience the context I have to observe the activities by analyzing the involved objects, people, space and time as you can see in the pictures below. In addition, engaging in activities myself and making conversations with people experiencing the activities might help me to experiencing the context even more.

Things people Space overview time

In addition I learned how to use video as a potent communication tool and I increased my video-capturing skills. I became aware of basic video-recording rules like the 180 degree rule, shots over the shoulder, focus points etc. I became aware it is very important to plan everything in advance. The use of an environmental map including the positions of the cameras is very helpful. I learned that using multiple cameras recording different perspectives of the activities enabled me to create more dynamic and interesting movies. In addition a storyboard is a very useful tool to prepare the video-recording well in detail. Unless this requires a lot of time in advance, it gives me structure while recording and editing the movie. However the storyboard should not be too detailed because sometimes not everything happened the way we wanted. I have to make sure it is adaptive guideline.

overview-camerastanden Scenario movie 1 hoofdstukken Overview Camerastanden zweedse bok

Pictures of camera-positioning, storyboard and scenario

Moreover I increased my video-editing skills using Adobe Premiere Pro. I learned how to process and edit multiple videos, how to add sound effects and how to enable face-blurring. A movie becomes interesting when I switch between different movie clips regularly. The preferences (like white-balance) are critical issues where I should take care of, especially when I use multiple cameras. As you can read in the feedback, some of the audio-recordings were not clear enough. I learned that I should not underestimate the addition of using a microphone to record close sounds, like an interview. It is even better to use headphones while recording in order to check if the sounds are recorded well. I learned that a critical approach is essential for this activity. You can see our final movie down here.

Final movie context & Video

It was nice to hear that our video eventually enabled the gymnastics club to use video for their training purposes.

In the end I learned how to observe activities manifested in contexts and how video can be used to capture and communicate my observations. Video is a powerful research and communication media to spot and explain the design opportunity clearly and provides foundation for assumptions. During the projects I can make use of video to research the topic and come up with assumptions. I can use a storyboard and video to check these assumptions and present them to the client. In addition this assignment changed my opinion of videos in common; I now have more critical view upon videos which are shown on the television.