Assignment DAA03 Reporting your design – designing your report
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DAA03 Reporting your design – designing your report
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DAA03 Reporting your design – designing your report
What I did:
One of my goals was to attend for the assignment Reflection on Design. Unfortunately this assignment was not available for this semester, so I decided to attend for the assignment Reporting your design – designing your report. Due to a small unnecessary miscommunication between me and the assignor I could not complete the assignment. A more detailed explanation can be read over here. Yet I did all the homework and attended all the meetings. Nevertheless, I learned a lot of this assignment. So I decided not to redo this assignment in order to spend my time more useful.
In the beginning of the assignment I got a lecture about how to write a proper report. Issues like the structure of a research report, design report and the phases of writing came across (like preparation, writing, rewriting). Moreover we got some tips concerning the planning of the stages and where to gather scientific information. Afterwards we had to apply this knowledge, by writing a new report. We also had to send the report two times to each other, in order to get feedback. In the end we had a proper structured report. I decided to write an informative report concerning the Alzheimer disease, to support your project. You can see mine over here.
What I learned:
During the assignment I learned how a good structured design- or research-report should look like. Moreover I got more familiar with the writing process and how to make a good planning for this. I will definitely apply this knowledge in the upcoming reports I have to write, because it will make it much more professional.