Final Bachelor Project ‘Woven Worlds’ Coach: ir. M.F. Versteeg Theme: Wearable Senses Coach feedback (Login ID Compass required) Client feedback Project Report (opens in new window) Project description Company (client) has developed an Internet portal that gives households insight in their electricity use. In order to make better use of this, a tangible extension […]
Posts Tagged ‘sustainability’
Extra curricular
One of my goals was to read more literature concerning designing. In my free time, I read two books and watched a documentary that gave me inspiration as designer. These three activities were all involved in sustainable design. Furthermore, I presented and visited at the Dutch Design Week 2009. Sustainable Everyday The book “Sustainable Everyday”, […]
Assignment DA409 Design for the Environment
Link to OWinfo: DG409 – Design for the Environment Feedback form: Feedback at IDcompass Deliverable: Presentation and reporting on workshop results Competencies developed: (1), 4, (B) Reflection: One of my goals was to grow in the competency area four and spectacular to sustainable design. A year ago, I attended also for the assignment design for […]
Assignment DA427 Design for the Environment
Link to OWinfo: DA427 Design for the Environment Feedback form: DA427 Design for the Environment What I did: One of my goals was to attend for this assignment in order to grow in this sub-competency area. In my opinion sustainability is an underestimated issue which will become more and more important nowadays, especially for designers. […]