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Posts Tagged ‘project’

Extra curricular

Lecture Business Model Inc. Lecture Business Model Inc. April 2010 I attended to a guest lecture from Patrick van der Pijl and Camillia van den Boom concerning their company Business Model Inc. and the book Business Model Generation (see their website). During the lecture, I gain insight how to visualize business models as well how […]

FBP “Woven Worlds”

Final Bachelor Project ‘Woven Worlds’ Coach: ir. M.F. Versteeg Theme: Wearable Senses Coach feedback (Login ID Compass required) Client feedback Project Report (opens in new window) Project description Company (client) has developed an Internet portal that gives households insight in their electricity use. In order to make better use of this, a tangible extension […]

Project Supporting Sportsmanschip

Project Supporting Sportsmanschip Coach: Emilia Barakova Theme: Social robots & Humanoids Project report Coach Feedback Project description: This project was about designing a training robot for sports­man that not only trains your skills, but also motivates you, by for instance giving feedback on your movement and emotions. Human emotions are, apart from other ways, ex­pressed […]

The Sparkling Home project

The Nutritap (The Sparkling Home-project) Client: Marcel van Heist Project description: Within this individual project on the domain Home we were challenged to design purpose specific interaction styles for water supply. Every team, including five people, was devoted to a specific room in the house and received a magazine. Based on that room and the […]

JAVA Project

100-Points (JAVA Project) Client: Swinxs Project description: The project started with an activity week where in a pressure cooker was given about the same subject as the project. The subject of the project is the Swinxs, a game console for children under twelve. It is meant to stimulate playing outdoors. Our goal was to come […]

Design Against Fear project

DFMD (Driving Fear Monitoring Device) Client: Maastricht University Project description: The goal of my individual project was to design a product or service what will help the amaxophonics (people with fear of driving) to overcome their fear faster. To overcome driving fear, the patient usually has to drive daily, what takes a lot of time […]

Reminder Bracelet project

Client: PON, Innoflow & Symantics Project description: The main goal of our project was to support the caretaker of a dement­ed person. We tried to do this by designing a simple and user-friendly product for the patient. We designed a reminder bracelet that notices if the patient visits the toilet regularly. With this product we […]

Project Sticky Wall

Client: AWG Architecten Project description: This project is about a new importance and definition of special interior separations. Think of the meaning of separations within spaces. Discover the possibilities of interconnections between constructional elements and functions next to atmospherical aspects of an interior space. The location of this interior separations is the new loft dwellings […]

Java Project

Client: N/A Project description: The goal of this project was to program an environment in which occurs emergent behavior. The faculty delivered us as standard environment, with sample agents and objects. By playing with java and use pre-defined codes, the agents would have some simple rules. Caused to that rules, the program would run and […]

Blue Helmet project

Client: TNO Project description: With the disappearance of the traditional enemy concept, also the role of the Dutch military has changed in recent years. It has become a sort of international police force. Peace keeping missions either in UN or NATO context have become daily practice. This new role comes with new challenges. For example, […]