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Posts Tagged ‘Wearable Senses’

Design Against Fear project

DFMD (Driving Fear Monitoring Device) Client: Maastricht University Project description: The goal of my individual project was to design a product or service what will help the amaxophonics (people with fear of driving) to overcome their fear faster. To overcome driving fear, the patient usually has to drive daily, what takes a lot of time […]

Rhythm of Life 2.0 Project

Rhythm of life 2.0 Client       S. Bambang Oetomo – MMC Veldhoven Coach      Wei Chen Theme     Medical Care Date         01-09-2008 09-01-2009 Project description: The main focus of the project was the birth of a baby. Sometimes when a baby is born it might get a heart attack, which occurs frequently. The hospital staff is special trained […]